Terra Burke

I started CrossFit over 8 years ago because I needed something to keep me healthy so I could keep up with this crazy family of mine. Yes, I knew CrossFit was going to tick that box, but I had no idea that it was going to change my whole outlook on working out. CrossFit makes working out fun! Every day there’s a new and different workout. It’s never mundane, and it works on different muscle groups ensuring you’re not neglecting any areas.
Plus, every workout can be tailored to your abilities. My favorite thing about CrossFit is the clothes. No, I’m kidding. I do love the clothes. But what I really love is that, because each workout can be tailored to the individual, and I get to workout with, and coach, friends of all ages. There are 13-year-olds working out next to 70-year-olds. That is why I love CrossFit, and that is why I became a coach.
My husband and I are parents to 2 teenage daughters, 2 dogs, and a bearded dragon.
Favorite movement: anything gymnasty… pull-ups, handstand pushups. I get to act like a kid!
Days I’m in the gym: 5-6, I’m pretty much a permanent fixture.