1/27/15 Tuesday
Performance A. Every 90sec for 7:30 (5 sets) 1-2 Push Press’s B. Every 90 sec for 7:30min (5 sets) 1-2 Split Jerks C. For time: 21 Burpees 15 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) 9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 800 Meter…
9/4/14 Thursday
Performance A1. 1 Shoulder Press + 4 Push Press x 4 sets, rest 60sec A2. Strict Toes-to-Bar; 8-10 x 4 sets, rest 60sec B. AMRAP in 8 minutes of: 5 Hang Power Clean (135/95) 10 Pull-Ups 15 Hand-Release Push-Ups…
8/8/14 Friday
Performance A1. Push Press; 3-5 reps x 4 sets, Rest 90sec A2. Weighted Pull-Ups; 3-5 reps x 4 sets, Rest 90sec B. 600 Meter Partnered Farmer’s Carry *Teams of two must move as much weight as possible 600 meters in…
6/17/14 Tuesday
Performance A. Take 12min to establish a 1rep max Push Press B1. Ring Row @ 20×0; AMRAP x 2 sets, rest 60 sec B2. Dead Hang L-Sit (from pull-up bar); AMRAP x 2 sets + AMRAP in 12 minutes of:…
1/24/14 Friday
REGISTER for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit OPEN! Sign up ASAP and select Calibrated CrossFit as your home Affiliate! https://games.crossfit.com/cf/login?returnTo=%2Fcompetition&flow=games These workouts will be done at Calibrated every Saturday b/w 10am and 1pm. The WODS will be no different from…
1/17/14 Friday
Road to the OPEN Performance A. Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy Complex of: Push Press + Push Jerk B. Back Squat, rest 2min b/w sets 6 reps @ 65% 4 reps @ 75% 2…
1/10/14 Friday
Road to the OPEN Performance A. On a 20 min clock take: 10min to build to a today’s heavy Strict Shoulder Press + 10 minutes to build to today’s heavy Push Press B. Two sets for times: Row…
7/24 Tuesday
A. Push Press – build to a tough single in 10 min B. 70% 1RM from A – 50 reps for time – from ground C. 15 heavy ball slams; rest 1 min x 3 D. Static Dip Ring Holds…
7/17 Tuesday
part 1: A. Power Clean x 1/Push Press x 1/Push Jerk x 3; rest 90 sec x 3 B. Push Press – build to a tough single in 5 max attempts – rest short; build fast part 2: 12 min…