10/26/15 Monday
A1. Romanian Deadlift @3011; 6-8 reps x 3 sets, rest 45sec
A2. Push-Ups w/ 1sec pause at top; 10-15 reps x 3 sets, rest 45sec
*If you can get 15 unbroken pushups then perform AMRAP HSPU’s instead
A3. Russian Kettlebell Swings; 20-25 unbroken reps x 3 sets, rest 45sec
A4. Side Plank; 45 seconds each side x 3 sets, rest 45sec
B. Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges with BB or DB’s
10 Push Press with BB or DBs
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of 4 sets for max reps.
Wod all be posted at gym