Class Schedule
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11/24/14 Monday


A. With a Running clock,

– At 0:00 min

5min AMRAP of;

5 Pullups

5 Box Jumps 24/20” – step down

5 Power Cleans 135/95


Rest 5min


-At the 10min

Establish a max complex of:

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk


rest 5min


At the 20:00min

For time:

18-12-6 reps of:

Dead Lifts, 225/155

Strict HSPU or L-Seated DB Press

*You may also use 1 abmat for strict HSPU if you cannot perform them at full depth. But you can only use 1!

*One barbell for all three wods, only the athlete can change the weight.


B. GHD Hip Extensions @ 2010; 20 reps x 4 sets, rest as needed



Wod will be posted at gym