11/27/14 Thursday
Team WOD: 2 Rounds of
Station 1:
2min AMRAP
P1 – Lower Body Sled Drag (135/90LBS)
P2 – Burpees
Rest 1min then switch movments
Rest 2min
Station 2:
2min AMRAP
P1 – GHD Hip Extensions
P2 – FLR on Rings
Rest 1min then switch movments
2min rest
Station 3:
2min AMRAP
P1 – Row for calories
P2 – Goblet squats with banded belt (53/35LBS)
Rest 1min then switch movments
Rest 2min
Station 4:
2min AMRAP
P1 – Toes to Bar
P2 – Double Unders
Rest 1min then switch movements