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1/26/13 Saturday


Part 1:
Tabata Single Unders
Part 2:
Max KB Swings in 2 minutes
Rest 2 minutes
Max KB Swings in 2 minutes
Part 3:
10 Rounds:
30 seconds Wall Balls
30 seconds Rest

Tabata -* For twenty seconds do as many reps of the assigned exercise as you can – then rest 10 seconds.

Repeat this seven more times for a total of 8 intervals, 4 minutes total exercise.

The score is the least number of reps for any of the eight intervals.*


A. TnG Power Clean – build to a 5RM

* Touch-n-Go means exactly what it says, no pausing or regripping after each rep*

3 rounds for max reps:

1 min power cleans 135/95#

Rest 15 seconds

1 min thrusters 115/85#

Rest 15 seconds

1 min Row for calories

Rest 2 min