Class Schedule
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1/27/14 Monday

REGISTER for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit OPEN!

Sign up ASAP and select Calibrated CrossFit as your home Affiliate!

These workouts will be done at Calibrated every Saturday b/w 10am and 1pm.

The WODS will be no different from any other training day except everyone will have a judge and a Heat they are assigned to. Immediately following the OPEN we will have a cookout to celebrate everyon’s hard work!  Despite your ranking this will be a great way to help our Calibrated Community grow while setting some awesome goals for your future in CrossFit!

If you choose not to sign up there will still be a 9am class every Saturday to get your workout in.



A. Complete four sets of the following,

5 Deadlifts; rest 20 sec

20 Box Jumps; rest 2 minutes

3 Push Press; rest 20 seconds

Max Rep Handstand Push-Ups, rest 2 minutes


*Aim for about 90% of 5rep max on Deadlifts

* 85-90% of 3RM on Push Press


Six sets for max reps of:

20 sec of Kettlebell Swings

10 sec rest

20 sec of Burpees

10 sec rest



Wod will be posted at gym