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1/9/16 Saturday


In teams of 3, perform;

For time:

100 toes-to-bars, while 2 teammates both hold their barbells overhead

100 shoulders-to-overheads (115 / 75 lb.) (75/55), while 2 teammates hang from the pull-up bar

100 Russian KBS (53/35), while 2 teammates hold their barbells in a deadlift position (same loads as above)


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1200m Relay

*Each person must run 400m by themselves


At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” one athlete will jump onto the pull-up bar and begin performing toes-to-bars. Meanwhile, two other teammates will lift both barbells to the overhead position and hold them there. In order for the toes-to-bars to count, both barbells must be locked out overhead for the duration of the toes to bar rep. The 100 toes-to-bars may be divided however the team likes, but only one athlete can be performing them at a time.

After all 100 toes-to-bars are complete, the team will complete a total of 100 shoulders-to-overheads. This time for the reps to count, two of the teammates must be hanging from the pull-up bar. Only one athlete may perform shoulders-to-overheads at a time.

After all 100 S2O are complete, the team will complete a total of 100 Russian KBS. This time for the reps to count, two of the teammates must be holding the barbells in a deadlift position. Only one athlete may perform the KBS’s at a time.

After all the 100 KBS’s are complete, the team must perform a 1200m Relay run.

*The team’s score is the total time to complete the workout.