Class Schedule
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A. EMOM, for 8 minutes:

Snatch with 3-Second Pause in Receiving Position x 1 rep @ 75-85%

*feeling positions, making each lift technically perfect

*If you do not have a smooth squat snatch then catch in a low power position and pause there


On a Continuous clock


EMOM, for 5 minutes:

Snatch + Overhead Squat @ 80-85%


B. 4-Segmented Snatch Deadlift; 1 rep of complex , Every 2min x 4 sets

*pause for 2 full seconds at each position – 2″ off the floor, mid-knee, mid-thigh and high hang


On a continuous clock:

One round for time:

30 Pull ups

50 Sit ups

70 Double unders


immediately into


Two rounds for time:

20 Pull ups

40 Sit ups

60 Double unders

*Note times for each segment


Wod will be posted at gym