5/13/14 Tuesday
A. Take 15 minutes and build to today’s 1-RM Clean and Jerk
B1. Shoulder Press @2111; 2-4 reps x 4 sets, Rest 90 seconds
B2. Weighted Pull-Ups @ 2110; 2-4 reps x 4 sets, Rest 90 seconds
C. In teams of two, complete a 800-meter walk :)
*Teammates will alternate roles between farmer’s carry and waiter’s carry. Neither team member may move forward until both team members have assumed their positions – one with DBs/KBs at sides, the other with DBs/KBs overhead.
*Choose the heaviest DBs/KBs you can handle – one set for the farmer’s carry, and one set (presumably lighter) for the waiter’s carry.
Wod will be posted at gym