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5/3/13 Friday


Romanian Deadlift @ 30×1; x 6-8 reps x 3 sets;  Rest 45 seconds

A2. Single Arm Press; 8-10/arm x 3 sets, 
Rest 45 seconds

A3. V-ups; 15-20 reps x 3 sets, 
Rest 45 seconds


Complete as many Man-Makers as possible in 5 sets of:

60 seconds work
60 seconds rest



Build to a heavy snatch in 15min or less.

Build to a heavyish Clean and Jerk in 12min (only!) – Only build in weight to the extent of sound speed and mechanics!

Bench Press @ 30X0

5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM

3 reps @ 75%

1 rep @ 85%

3 reps @ 80-82%

3 reps @ 85-87%

2 reps @ 90-92%

7 reps @ 75-77%
 x 4 sets

Rest exactly 2 minutes between sets.

Increase loads by 1-2% from last week.