5/9/15 Saturday
In Teams of 3 complete 5 mins each of:
1. Max reps of 15′ Rope Climbs
*Scaled – sit to stand hand over hand rope climb
-Rest 1min
2. Dog Sled Push for total meters (45lbs/empty sled)
*Set cones 100’ apart
-Rest 1min
3. Farmers Walk (70lbs bar weight men / 30lbs bar weight women)
*Use same cones as above
-Rest 1min
4. Rower for max cals
-Rest 1min
5. Wall Walks for max reps
*Scaled – pushups
-Rest 1min
6. 400m Runs
-Rest 1min
*Only 1 person works at a time
*Only 2 teams at each station
Wod will be posted at gym