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8/28/13 Wednesday


In warm-up spend 10min on the CTS Snatch Progressions posted in gym. If your snatch technique is not where you want it to be then you should be doing this warm-up at least 3 times a week whether you are performing snatches or not.


In eight sets or less, build to today’s 1-RM Snatch

Four sets for times of:

5 Thrusters

10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

20 Double-Unders

Rest 2min

*thrusters and KBS must be unbroken. Preferably all 3 movements.

*Focus on efficiency of movements and cycling these smoothly but fast. Think about placement of barbells, KB, and jump Rope. Transitions must be very minimal!



Wod will be posted at gym