Class Schedule
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8/7/15 Friday


A. EMOM, for 15 minutes (5 sets):

Minute 1 – Max L-sit in 30sec

Minute 2 – Alternating Pistols x 12-16 reps

Minute 3 – Toes to Rings x 6-8 reps


B. For time:

Run 800 Meters

15 Deadlifts*

30 Hand-Release Push-Ups*

Run 400 Meters

10 Deadlifts

20 Hand-Release Push-Ups

Run 200 Meters

5 Deadlifts

10 Hand-Release Push-Ups


*Use a weight that will be appropriately challenging, but safe. You should be able to complete the 15 reps in a maximum of three sets of 5 – do not go heavier than that!

*HRPU – Successful RX reps must start from the top extended position, and the knees must never touch the ground)



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