9/16/14 Tuesday
A. EMOM for 12min:
Segmented Snatch Grip Deadlifts (2” off Floor, Above Knee, Mid-Thigh)
*Pause for 3 sec at each position
B. On a 2min running clock, for 21minutes complete:
(0min, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18th min)
200m Run
7 Dead lifts, (moderate unbroken load)
Max reps of Double unders in the remaining time
-Rest 1min x 7 sets
*Score is total number of DU
C. For time:
20 Muscle ups
*Every time you break rest 1 full minute
20 Chest to Bar Pullups + 20 Ring Dips
Wod will be posted at gym