Class Schedule
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9/26 Wednesday

5 minutes of work @ 80% effort:

Run 400-600m

AMRAP in remaining time

5 push up Plus

10 walking lunges

–3 min recovery


5 min of work @ 80%  effort:

Run 400-600m

AMRAP sets of unbroken Double Unders in remaining time *pick a number that’s tough but attainable*

–3 min recovery


5 min of work @ 80% effort:

Run 400-600m

AMRAP in remaining time:

10 MB Slams

10 MB OH Throws

–3 min recovery


5 min of work @ 80% effort:

3min of Single Unders

AMRAP in remaining time

TGU (pick weight that will allow for unbroken reps in remainder of time)

–3 min recovery


5 min of work @ 80%:

3min of Single unders

21 Thrusters 45/35#

21 Ring Rows