Class Schedule
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Friday 1/6/17

A1. DB Walking Lunge; 20 steps x 4 sets, rest 60sec

*Build in load

A2. Side Plank raises or hold; 15 reps or 30-45 hold x 4 sets, rest 60sec


Choose an option below:

B1. For time:

400m Row or 30/20cal AB

30 Front Squats (Heavy)

30 Box Jumps (High)

400m Row or 30/20cal AB

*Challenge yourself by going as heavy and high as you can handle. The weight you select should be heavy enough to require you to break the 30 reps into 3-5 sets.


B2. For time:

400m Row or 30/20cal AB


immediately followed by…


Three rounds of:

10 Goblet Squats (70/53lbs)

10 Alternating Reverse Lunges with single KB in front rack (same weight as above)


immediately followed by…


400m Row or 30/20cal AB