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Friday – 3/17/17

A Nice Throwback from 16.4!!! #betterthanyesterday

Reebok CrossFit Open 17.4 Heat Schedule


Generalized warm-up led by coach

(i.e.) 5-10 min Aerobic Work to increase body temp

(i.e.) 5-10 min Flossing/Smashing/Rolling (Hamstrings/Upperback/shoulders)


35cals on Rower

*Take note to your cal/hr avg



Hip Cross-Over x 5

Iron Cross x 5

Lateral Lunge x 5

Inverted Hamstring x 5

Sandbag Squats x 5

Single Leg Step-Up x 5


Warm-up Deadlift/wall ball/HSPU or Hand Release Push-up


Non-Registered Athletes

Perform Reebok CrossFit Open 17.4


Registered Athletes

A. 5 TnG Deadlifts (225/155)(135/95), rest 10sec x 3

*Goal is to pick a number that you can complete unbroken, rest a few seconds and repeat

*This will be your game plan for Saturday

*Be extremely careful with trying to tackle large sets!!!


rest 2min


10 unbroken wall ball shots (20lbs to 10’/14lbs to 9’) (20/10lbs to 9’), rest 10sec x 3 sets

*Same goal as above so pick your number appropriately

*only 3 sets! Keep volume low


rest 2min


30 cals on Rower

*Goal is to find your cal/avg for game pace tomorrow


HSPU or Hand Release Push-Ups

*Perform a couple quick sets.

*keep volume low and just focus on rhythm and strategy