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Friday – 4/14/17

A1. Strict Shoulder Press (2sec pause at top); 6-8 reps x 4 sets, rest 45

A2. Single Arm DB Row; 6-8/each x 4 sets, rest 45


B. Teams of two, with P1 completing entire 3min AMRAP while P2 rests, then vice versa.

AMRAP in 3 minutes of (24min):
10 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)
10 Box Jump-Overs (or Step-Overs)
5 Strict Pull-Ups
– Rest 3 minutes between sets and pick up where you left off, Complete a total of 4 sets.


Optional Accessory Work

A1. Thumbs down Single Arm Delt Raise (side lying on floor); 15/arm x 4 sets, rest as need

A2. L-Sit Flutter; 30 sec x 4 sets, rest as needed

A3. Single Arm banded Pushdown; 30/arm x 4 sets, rest as needed