Monday 2/13/17
A. For the following 20 minutes, increase the loading on the barbell each set, allowing the initial positional work to help you build into heavy loading for your full snatches from the floor.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 2 reps
Rest 60sec
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Above Knee Hang Snatch x 1 rep
Rest 60 seconds
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
B. Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets), for times:
Row 500 Meters
30 Kettlebell Swings
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups or L-Seated Dumbbell Presses