Monday – 4/30/18
Warm-Up 2 sets: Quadruped Birddogs x 10 Quadruped forward and backward crawl x 10’/each Russian Step-Up x 5/leg Quadruped Torso Rotations x 10/side + 1 set: Sandbag Carry x 2 laps around rig Workout Choose an option below based off…
Saturday – 4/28/18
I agree, everyone needs to work on their Double Unders… In teams of two, alternating movements throughout, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: 50 Double-Unders Or 100 Single Unders 40 KBS (53/35lb) *Russian KBS…
Friday – 4/27/18
Warm-Up Jumping Jacks x 20 Spidermans x 50’ PVC Pass Throughs x 20 Reverse lunge w/ Samson Stretch x 10 Air Squats x 10 Downward Dog x 5 PVC Overhead Squats x 5 + Coach’s Barbell Warm-up Workout A. EMOM, for 6 minutes…
Thursday – 11/26/18
Warm-Up Coach’s Choice Workout A. Every 2min, for 18min (3 sets of each): Station 1 – 1-arm DB Bench x 12-15/arm Station 2 – DB Lateral Raise + DB Front Raise x 10/each Station 3 – Farmer’s Carry x 100…
Wednesday – 4/25/18
Warm-up 2 sets: Half Kneeling MB Rotational slam 5/side Downward Dog x 5 Inch Worm x 5 Backward Lunge w/ twist x 5/leg Lateral Lunge x 5/leg Kick to HS on Wall x 5 Workout A1. Russian Step-Ups w/ DB’s…
Tuesday – 4/24/18
Warm-Up Coach’s choice Workout A. Every 5min, for 30min (6 sets) for times: Run 400 Meters/Ski 400/Row 500 (female row 400) 8 Strict Pull-Ups 12 Toes to Bar 16 Push-Ups *record times for all 6 sets B. Every 90sec, for…
Monday – 4/23/18
Warm-Up Coach’s choice Workout Choose an Option below: Option 1: A1. Every 3min, for 15min (5 sets) of: Back Squat x 6 reps Sets 1-4 – 6 reps @ 75-82% Set 5 – Max Reps @ 80% Option 2: *If…
Saturday 4/21/18
Choose an option below: A1. In teams of two, alternating each movement, complete ten rounds for time of: 500/400 Meter Row 10 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs) 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) (Partner A rows; Partner B performs 10 overhead squats;…
Friday – 4/20/18
Warm-Up Coach’s choice Workout A. Every 2min, for 16min (8 sets): Mid thigh Snatch + Snatch *Build over the course of the eight sets. B. Five rounds for time of: 20 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs to 10′) 5 Squat Snatches…
Thursday – 4/19/18
Choose an option below based on current level of abilities… The object is to move well and fast. This should hurt. And with that said there is no scaling. If you cannot do pull-ups you will do Option A2. A1.…
Wednesday – 4/18/18
Warm-Up 2 sets: (10min) Quadruped Y holds x 15sec holds x 2/side Ring Rows w/ pause x 5 Inch Worms x 5 Alternating Single Leg Lowering x 5/leg 50 single Unders Workout A. Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6…
Tuesday – 4/17/18
Warm-Up 3 sets: (5min) Forward crawl + Lateral crawl – 10’/each Downward Dog x 5 Tricep stretch side bend x 5/side + Bench press and Single arm row warm-up (5min) Workout A1. BB bench Press; 20 reps x 3 sets,…
Monday – 4/16/18
Warm-up (10min) Hip Crossover x 10 Iron Cross x 10 90/90 Windmill x 10 Torso Rotations x 10 + 2 sets : Banded Good Morning x 15 Standing Rotational MB throws x 15/side Ball Slams x 10 Goblet MB Squats…
Saturday – 4/14/18
In teams of two, For each of the following, partners will alternate complete rounds: AMRAP in 8min of: 8 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs) or 16 heavy Russian KBS 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + On the 12min mark + AMRAP in 8min of:…
Friday – 4/13/18
Warm-up 1 set: Butt Kicks x 50’ High knee Pillar Skips x 50’ Straight leg pillar Skips x 50’ Straight leg and arm bear crawl x 50’ Forward and Backward Forearm Smash x 30sec Forearm stretch x 30 sec each…
Thursday – 4/12/18
Warm-Up Turkish get-ups x 10/arm Hip Crossover x 10 Iron Cross x 10 Scorpian x 10 Lateral Lunge x 10 Back ward lunge w/ reach x 10 Theraband Squat @2211 x 10 (these will take 1 Full min) + Warm-up…
Wednesday 4/11/18
Warm-up Quadruped Y Hold (straight midline, tight abs, thumbs up) 15sec hold/side x 4/side alternating reps Prone T’s from bench x 20 reps (every 5th rep hold for 5sec) Prone W’s w/ pinky’s towards ceiling x 20 reps (every 5th…
Tuesday – 4/10/18
Warm-Up Coach’s Choice Workout A1. BB Bench Press w/ pause at bottom; 4-5 reps x 4 sets, rest 45 A2. DB Row; 8-10 x 4 sets, rest 45 A3. KB L-Sit leg Raises (slower the better); 8-10 x 4 sets,…