Class Schedule
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Saturday 12/23/17

Monday (25th) – No Classes
Tuesday (26th) – 9am and 10am classes only!
Wednesday (27th) – Regular classes resume


“12 Days of Christmas-Partner Style

In teams of two, for time:

1 Deadlift 115/75#
2 Hang Power Cleans 115/75lb
3 Thrusters 115/75#
4 Toes to Bar
5 Pushups
6 Burpees
7 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lb)
8 KBS (70/53lbs)
9 Goblet Squats (70/53)
10 Wall Walks
11 Heavy MB or SB Ground to Over Shoulder
12 Man makers (50/35)

*Partner A holds plate overhead while partner B works. Switch When Plate comes down. Go through the reps like the Christmas song Days of Christmas…
1 Deadlift
2 HPC, 1 Deadlift
3 Thrusters, 2 HPC, 1 Deadlift
Last Set…12Man makers, 11 Heavy MB G2OS, 10 Wall Walks, etc….

**Each team gets 1 BB, 1 KB, 1 wall ball, 1 pair of DB’s, 1 Heavy MB or SB