Class Schedule
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Thursday 2/2/17


*One heat may start on Part “A” and the other on Part “B”

A. Every 90sec, for 12min (4 sets each):

Station 1: Barbell Hip Thrusts @21X1 x 10 reps

Station 2: DB Rows @2111 x 8-10/side


B. Every 2min, for 12min (3 sets each):

Station 1: GHD Hip Extension with Overhead “Y” @2113 x 8 reps

Station 2: Supine Chinese Plank x 60 seconds


C. For time:

25/15 Calorie Assault Bike

25 Pull-Ups (C2B for advanced)

25/15 Calorie Assault Bike

25 Pull-Ups (C2B for advanced)

*Goal is to suffer. You must pick the right volume on Pull-ups so this can happen. If you pick to high of a rep scheme then you will just be standing around letting your heart rate drop.