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Tuesday – 10/31/17


1 set:

Butt Kicks x 50’

High knee Pillar Skips x 50’

Straight leg pillar Skips x 50’

Straight leg and arm bear crawl x 50’ Forward and Backward

Forearm Smash x 30sec

Forearm stretch x 30 sec each side

Banded Front Rack Stretch x 30-60sec


2 sets:

Theraband Squat @5511 w/ KB in Goblet hold x 5/leg

Single Leg RDL w/ KB x 5/leg


Empty Barbell

2 sets:

10 Hang muscle Cleans

5 Front squats

5 strict press’s



A. Take 15 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Clean
(or use the time to practice clean technique)

*Everyone must have a solid hang clean before they pull from floor

*Everyone must have a solid Power clean before they squat clean

*If you are using this as a technique session try doing a complex every 90sec for 15min (10 sets)


B. “Diane”
Complete rounds of 21, 15, and 9 reps for time of:
225/155 lb. Deadlift
Handstand Push-Ups (Sub L-Seated DB Press for HSPU’s)

*10min Cap

*Just because this is “For time” does not mean you should have bad movement! Train smart and move as quick as your technique allows!