Tuesday – 4/24/18
Coach’s choice
A. Every 5min, for 30min (6 sets) for times:
Run 400 Meters/Ski 400/Row 500 (female row 400)
8 Strict Pull-Ups
12 Toes to Bar
16 Push-Ups
*record times for all 6 sets
B. Every 90sec, for 12min (2 sets of each):
Station 1 – 1min of Reverse Snow Angels (slow & controlled)
Station 2 – 1min of Side-Plank Hold (Left Side)
Station 3 – 1min of Band Pull-Aparts
Station 4 – 1min of Side-Plank Hold (Right Side)
Optional Accessory (after class)
A. Incline DB Curl; 100 alternating reps (Choose a weight that you cando 20 reps in a row off the bat)
B. Fat Bar Curl; 8-12 reps x 2 sets
C. Side Lying thumbs down Shoulder raise; 15/side x 3 sets