Class Schedule
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Tuesday 5/17/16


*This workout takes 52min from start to finish so get to class early and warm-up. Class warm-up will consist of setting up stations and reviewing movements.

*8 people max per station

3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:

5 Toes to bar

10 Walking Lunges

–3 min recovery

3 min @ 85-90%:

7 Burpees

7 Russian KBS – 32/24kg

–3 min recovery

3 min @ 85-90%:

5 BB Thruster @ 45lb

5 Box Jumps – 24/20″ – step down

–3 min recovery

3 min @ 85-90%:

Row or AirDyne

–10 min recovery

*Repeat at same output as above

*Everyone must keep track of rounds/reps