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Wednesday – 11/1/17

Iron Cross x 10
Rollover to V-Sit x 10
Knee Hug x 10
Hip Cradle x 10
Spiderman lunge x 10
Heel toe Drop Lunge x 10
Toe Walk x 50’
Heel walk x 50’
30sec Singles
30sec rest
x 3min
2 sets of:
Hollow body Straight arm Pulldowns
Quadruped Thoracic Rotations x 10 reps
Single Leg Russian Step Up x 10 side
Warm-up movements below (5-10min)

Three sets for max reps of (24min):
60 seconds of Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Box Jumps (24″/20″) – Step Down
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Burpees
60 seconds of Rest