Wednesday – 2/21/18
2018 OPEN Announcements!
- One last chance to register if you plan on completing the OPEN at Calibrated. First workout announcement is tomorrow at 8pm!!!
- The Heat & Judging Schedules will be posted Thursday Evening by 11pm on our Calibrated “Members Only” Facebook page and our Website (WOD/BLOG).
- Heat Times will be from 8:30am – 12:00pm. This will vary each week based off the workout released!
- There will be NO regular Saturday classes during the 5 weeks of the OPEN.
- Any registered athlete not able to attend the upcoming Saturday must email by Wednesday evening of each week. If you do not email me by this time, you cannot reschedule.
- I will also need an email from any judges that are unable to judge each week!
- If you have a preference of what time you need to workout that morning email me by Wednesday of that week.
1 set:
Butt Kicks x 50’
High knee Pillar Skips x 50’
Straight leg pillar Skips x 50’
Straight leg and arm bear crawl x 50’ Forward and Backward
Forearm Smash x 30sec
Forearm stretch x 30 sec each side
Banded Front Rack Stretch x 30-60sec
1 sets:
Theraband Goblet Squat @5511 x 6 reps
OHS @ 3311 x 3 reps
Snatch warm-up with coach
A. Every 2min, for 20min (10 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
*Build over the course of the 10 sets to today’s heavy.
B. For max reps/calories:
2min of Assault Bike (for calories)
2min of Russian Kettlebell Swings
2min of AbMat Sit-Ups
2min of Rowing